Li Wei manusia yang bisa terbang

Wei has received the following awards for his work:
2005- “Macau Art museum overseas communicate the prize”-Macau art museum, 2005 2006- “31 photographers with the most creative world”-American Getty, 2006 Wei’s works have been published on the cover of the following magazines: Flash Art, WORK, MAGAZIN-FrankfurterRundschau, Out of the Red, ZOOM, JULIET, CONTEMPORARY, THEARTE FORUM, NY ARTS, Fine Arts Literature, LAPIZ and Arte Al Limite.

via: Li Wei

3 Responses So Far:

Info Lowongan Kerja Tiap Hari said...

kok bisa yah?
apa ga ada penjelasannya gan?

iso11 said...

wah disuruh pakai baju Supeman aja..
bisa jadi supehero tuch..

Anonymous said...

keliatannya sih itu hoax ya....????
alias photoshop....

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